Rhode Island Stampless Covers & Letters
1833 Letter from Samuel M. Noyes - Matanzas, Cuba
Via  the Vessel
"Politeness"  under Captain Church
to Ann, Sarah and Mary (His Sisters) in Providence, RI

(Scroll Down for Additional Information, History and Text of Letter)

6 Cent Rate of April 9, 1816 for distance under 30 Miles
Letter Traveled on Ship Politeness under Captain Church

This letter was carried aboard the vessel "Politeness" under Captain Church from Matanzas, Cuba to Providence, RI. Since the letter was carried via ship to Providence and Sam Noyes' sister Ann resided in Providence; 6 cents would be the correct rate for a letter carried less than 30 miles under the Postal Act of April 9, 1816. This is a very interesting and long letter 4 sides of a single folded sheet, although the writer appears to have been quite a whiney sort. He filled every spare inch of space on the sheet including even writing sideways over top of previous writing on the third page.

Apparently young Samuel is working in Matanzas, Cuba either as a factor or plantation manager for the family business and it has been quite awhile since he has been home to Rhode Island. His father's ship has recently arrived and his mother has accompanied the father aboard the vessel.

The Complete Text of the Letter Follows Below:

Matanzas January 17, 1833

My dear Ann, Sarah & Mary

I thus address you my dear sisters as I wish equally to write a few lines to each but have not time to do it in three separate letters, therefore you will each receive this as a testimonial of my continued attachment and that I have not forgotten you although our correspondence has been rather interrupted and the letters on all sides have been few and far between. I had your promise Ann for a letter once in a while besides some other little articles such as pairs of socks etc. that you were to knit for me. It has never been fulfilled as I have had but one letter from you since I left home and that was a long long time ago, but then circumstances alter cases and yours have been such that I think you have sufficient excuse, but then why has not Mr. Spooner written me. I hope to have had a correspondence with him but have not heard from him in a year. Why is it so? I feel for the husband of my sister all the interest of a brother. Does he not reciprocate? How is James N. Spooner? I understand he is a fine boy and looks as I used to.

I received your very highly esteemed letters from Boston inclosing one from John, but a few days since dear Sarah and was pleased to find that you could at last sit yourself down to write to the poor exile, the which letters have brought me on to the debtor side and which obligation I am trying in part to fulfill by these few lines, but hope to write a long letter by some of the many vessels that are now in Port. This goes by the New England for Providence. She has already dropped out, ready to sail in the morning for which reason I am not able to write as much as I would at present.

The letter from John was received, it seems at home in April or May last and opened although addressed to me and only sent there to be forwarded, then detained till now, a space of six months and all this time poor Johnny has had to bear the blame of leaving me neglected and slighted. His brother and family has had the pain of thinking it was so.

John was my most attentive correspondent and I was therefore the more hurt at not hearing from him in a whole year and it seems he was equally surprised at my long silence. I wrote him in February last and have never heard from him since and not knowing how to address him or at what time, I have not written him since, until this moment, when I have written a long letter of two sheets, only saying concerning the letter that I have just received his two of such a date. I do not write this meaning to blame you at all, only to show you my dear Sarah the bad effects of that spirit of procrastination of which you write sometimes.

I am also indebted to you dear Mary for your interesting epistle, but you do not say whether you write from Norway, Sweden or Russia; it might have had time to come from either for what I know as it has neither 1775 or 1832 on it and it gives no information of whether it was written in the frozen month of Dec or in the burning one of midsummer. I will assure you however that it was no less acceptable for all that and I have taken it for granted that it was written in Providence and in the month of Dec. What particular day I will not pretend to determine. 

Father and Mother arrived here on the 1st of January. Ma remains at Mrs. Louise and will go into the country in a few days. Father has discharged the Brig and got half loaded again, (referring to his cargo not drink). He particularly requests me to write home and tell you his present situation, that is, his mate is good for nothing and he is obliged to go into his hold and stow the molasses himself, a thing he says he has not been obliged to do since he was 21 as his mates have always known how to stow cargo at least. He is now in the hold working like any of his men while I am writing this. He says if he could he would have written Mr. Spooner. Hoping to hear from you all soon, I remain your affectionate Brother.

Aboard Brig Lyven and dark                                           Samuel M. Noyes
      Being after sunset.

This additional note was written sideways overtop of the previous writing on the inside (3rd) right page.

Mother says she would have written if it had been convenient, but it is much to the contrary and she is soon going into the country when she will endeavor to write, but I say don't expect it.

RI Historical Society
Stampless I
Stampless II

Stampless III
Stampless IV
Stampless V
Stampless VI
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